Miao Xu, Yulong Sun, Satoshi Hori, Kota Suzuki, Wenze Huang, Masaaki Hirayama, Ryoji Kanno, “A lithium conductor Li6.96Sn1.55Si1.71P0.8S12 with a cubic argyrodite-type structure in the Li2S–SnS2–SiS2–P2S5 system: Synthesis, structure, and electrochemical properties.”, Solid State Ionics 2020, 356.

Miao Xu, Yulong Sun, Satoshi Hori, Kota Suzuki, Wenze Huang, Masaaki Hirayama, Ryoji Kanno, “A lithium conductor Li6.96Sn1.55Si1.71P0.8S12 with a cubic argyrodite-type structure in the Li2S–SnS2–SiS2–P2S5 system: Synthesis, structure, and electrochemical properties.”, Solid State Ionics 2020, 356.