Tsuyoshi KURACHI, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Tomoharu TOKUNAGA, Takahisa YAMAMOTO, “Cross-sectional area dependency of shrinkages and grain sizes in flash sintered 3mol%Y2O3-ZrO2 polycrystals at direct and alternating electric current fields”, Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 68 (2021) 487-493.

Tsuyoshi KURACHI, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Tomoharu TOKUNAGA, Takahisa YAMAMOTO, “Cross-sectional area dependency of shrinkages and grain sizes in flash sintered 3mol%Y2O3-ZrO2 polycrystals at direct and alternating electric current fields”, Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 68 (2021) 487-493.