Subin Song, Satoshi Hori, Yuxiang Li, Kota Suzuki, Naoki Matsui, Masaaki Hirayama, Takashi Saito, Takashi Kamiyama, Ryoji Kanno, “Material Search for a Li10GeP2S12-Type Solid Electrolyte in the Li–P–S–X (X = Br, I) System via Clarification of the Composition–Structure–Property Relationships”, Chemistry of Materials, 34(18), 8237–8247 (2022).

Subin Song, Satoshi Hori, Yuxiang Li, Kota Suzuki, Naoki Matsui, Masaaki Hirayama, Takashi Saito, Takashi Kamiyama, Ryoji Kanno, “Material Search for a Li10GeP2S12-Type Solid Electrolyte in the Li–P–S–X (X = Br, I) System via Clarification of the Composition–Structure–Property Relationships”, Chemistry of Materials, 34(18), 8237–8247 (2022).