Y. Yamashita, T. Kurachi, T. Tokunaga, H. Yoshida, T. Yamamoto, "Blue photo luminescence from 3mol% Y2O3-doped ZrO2 polycrystals sintered by flash sintering under an alternating current electric field", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (2020) 2072–2076. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.12.060

T. Yao, Y. Jiang, C. Chen, X. Yan, A. Tao, L. Yang, C. Li, K. Sugo, H. Ohta, H. Ye, Y. Ikuhara, X. Ma, "Ferroelectric oxide thin film with an out-of-plane electrical conductivity", Nano Lett., 20 (2020) 1047-1053 (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04210

Takahide Ikoma, Gaida Nico Alexander, Takuya Sasaki, Ken Niwa, Masashi Hasegawa, "塩化アンモニウムを用いた遷移金属窒化物の高圧高温単結晶育成", 日本結晶成長学会・第48回結晶成長国内会議 学生ポスター賞 

S. Ishihara, E. Tochigi, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, "Coexistence of two different atomic structures in the ∑13 pyramidal twin boundary in α-Al2O3", Philo Mag Lett., 99 (2019) 435-443 (https://doi.org/10.1080/09500839.2019.1698780

Yugo Takashima, Takaki Onozato, Hai Jun Cho, Hiromichi Ohta, "Thermal conductivity of layered cobalt oxide epitaxial films with different crystallographic orientation", The 20th RIES-Hokudai International Symposium Poster Award

Y. Yamashita, T. Kurachi, T. Tokunaga, H. Yoshida, T. Yamamoto, "Blue photo luminescence from 3mol% Y2O3-doped ZrO2 polycrystals sintered by flash sintering under an alternating current electric field", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 40 (2020) 2072–2076. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.12.060

Hidehiro Yoshida, "焼結の基礎―理論的背景から実際まで― III. 多粒子系の焼結緻密化挙動", まてりあ, 58,782-788(2019) (doi:10.2320/materia.58.782)

Gowoon Kim, "Electrical, optical and thermal transport properties of oxygen deficient amorphous WOx (2.5 < x < 3) films", 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit Best Poster Award Nominee

Yoshiki Murakami, Taketo Seki, Akihito Kinoshita, Tetsuya Shoji, Yuichi Ikuhara, Naoya Shibata, "微分位相コントラスト法による多結晶材料中の磁区観察の新手法", 日本顕微鏡学会第62回シンポジウム「AIを用いた顕微イメージングの将来」 学生優秀演題賞

S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe, "Time-domain Formulation of a Multi-layer Plane Circuit Coupled with Lumped-parameter Circuits using Maxwell Equation", Sci. Rep. 9, (2019) 17891 (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53288-x