Sena Hoshino , "Carrier-trapping effects on glide dislocation cores in Cd compound semiconductors", The 4th Workshop on Functional Materials Science (FMS2023) Outstanding Presentation Award

Kungwan Kang, "Direct measurement of in-plane thermal conductivity for freestanding Ba1/3CoO2 films"", The 4th Workshop on Functional Materials Science (FMS2023) Outstanding Presentation Award

A Talmantaite, Y Xie, A Cohen, PK Mohapatra, A Ismach, T Mizoguchi, SJ Clark, BG Mendis , "“Twist-induced interlayer charge buildup in a WS2 bilayer revealed by electron Compton scattering and density functional theory”", Phys. Rev. B, 107 (2023) 235424-1-10 (

Masaaki Hirayama, "中性子利用施設を使った全固体電池材料の解析と今後", 中性子産業利用推進協議会「四季」 (58, 6-10 (2023))

Nur Ika Puji Ayu, Fumitaka Takeiri, Takafumi Ogawa, Akihide Kuwabara, Masato Hagihara, Takashi Saito, Takashi Kamiyama, Genki Kobayashi, "A new family of anti-perovskite oxyhydrides with tetrahedral GaO4 polyanions", Dalton Trans., 52, 15420 (

Bin Feng, Sena Hoshino, Bin Miao, Jiake Wei, Yu Ogura, Atsutomo Nakamura, Eita Tochigi, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, Yuichi Ikuhara and Naoya Shibata, " Direct observation of intrinsic core structure of a partial dislocation in ZnS,", Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 131, 659-664 (2023) (

Katsuyuki Matsunaga, "Ceramic science of crystal defect cores", 2022年JCS-JAPAN優秀総説賞

Hidehiro Yoshida, "Control of high temperature mass transport phenomena through grain boundaries in oxide ceramics based on grain boundary chemical composition and external electric field", 2022年JCS-JAPAN優秀総説賞

Testuya Kanbe, "典型金属元素を用いたナノマテリアルの精密合成と機能開拓", 第69回高分子研究発表会 ヤングサイエンティスト講演賞

Riho Morikawa, Taito Murakami, Kotaro Fujii, Maxim Avdeev, Yoichi Ikeda, Yusuke Nambu, Masatomo Yashima, "化学置換なしで世界最高のプロトン伝導度を示す新酸化物を創製・発見" (