Yoshiki Murakami, "High-resolution magnetic domain wall imaging in a magnetic field-free environment with tilt-scan averaged DPC STEM", International Microscopy Congress 2023 Best Oral Presentation Award

Genki Kobayashi, "Crearion of hydride super-ionic conductors", Sir Martin Wood Prize

Yoshiki Murakami, "DPC STEM法を用いた磁場印加下の磁壁観察に基づくフェライト磁石の局所磁気特性評価", 粉体粉末冶金協会2023年度秋季大会 優秀講演発表賞

Taishi Yokoi, "リン酸塩系層状物質による新規生体活性材料の開発", 日本バイオマテリアル学会 バイオマテリアル科学奨励賞

Takuya Sasaki, "超高圧力合成法を用いた新規無機材料の創製研究",  2023年度日本高圧力学会奨励賞

Daisuke Morikawa, "収束電子回折法による Sn ドープ BaTiO3の局所構造解析", 第40回(2023年度) 強誘電体会議優秀発表賞

Ying Yang, Ayano Nakamoto, Kohta Nambu, Yuta Aoki, Hiroshi Masuda, Hidehiro Yoshida, "Determination of diffusion coefficient of cations in Y2O3 under flash events", Poster Award for Outstanding Presentation, JSPM International Conference

Kungwan Kang, ""Direct Thermal Conductivity Measurement for Freestanding Ba1/3CoO2 and Sr1/3CoO2 Films in the In-plane direction"", The 29th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE-29) Best Presentation Award

Masaki Uchida, "Molecular beam epitaxy of high-quality oxide films from high-melting-point elements", The Oxide Electronics Prize for Excellence in Research

Emiko Murata, Hibiki Hikasa, Daiki Katsube, Masayuki Abe, Eiichi Inami,, "Measurement of Absolute Value of Local Work Function using Voltage Pulse Scanning Probe Microscopy", 24th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy (nc-AFM 2023) Poster Award