Yaoming Liu, "Antiferroic-to-ferroic phase transitions in spin and charge of hexagonal TbFeO3 film", 第58回 応用物理学会北海道支部学術講演会発表奨励賞

Prashant Ghediya , "Electric Field Thermopower Modulation Analyses of Effective Channel Thickness of Amorphous InGaO3(ZnO)m Thin Film Transistors", The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW ’22) Outstanding Poster Paper Award

Hui Yang, "Electric Field Thermopower Modulation Analyses of Transistor Characteristics of High-mobility In-Sn-Zn-O Thin Film Transistors", The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW ’22) Best Student Paper Award

Yuta Aoki, Hiroshi Masuda, Hidehiro Yoshida, "Fabrication of Al2O3-GAP eutectic ceramics with fine anisotropic microstructure by flash event and deformation behavior", The 5th International Symposium on Long-Period Stacking Order Structure and Mille-feuille Structure (LPSO/MFS2022)  Best Poster Award

Shuto Asano, Ken Niwa, Saori Kawaguchi, Takuya Sasaki, Masashi Hasegawa, "新規高圧相マンガン窒化物の相安定性及び圧縮挙動", 第63回高圧討論会 ポスター賞受賞

Izumi Takahara, Poyen Chen, Kiyou Shibata, Teruyasu Mizoguchi, "Prediction of Electronic Density of States at Ground State from ELNES/XANES", MRS 2022 Fall Meeting, Symposium EQ8, Best contributed award

Hiroto Oguri, Yan Li, Eita Tochigi, Xufei Fang, Kenichi Tanigaki, Yu Oshima, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, Atsutomo Nakamura, "(0001)面方位を有する酸化亜鉛結晶における光環境制御ナノインデンテーション試験", 日本金属学会 No82研究会「微小領域の力学特性評価とマルチスケールモデリング」ポスターセッション 優秀ポスター賞受賞

Hui Yang, "Origin of High-Mobility in Transparent Oxide Semiconductor Thin Film Transistors toward Super High-Definition Displays", The 23rd RIES-Hokudai International Symposium 拓 [Taku] Poster Award

Binjie Chen, "Room Temperature Insulator-to-Metal Transition of Strained VO2/TiO2 Multilayered Films", The 23rd RIES-Hokudai International Symposium 拓 [Taku] Poster Award

Tatsuya Yokoi, Yu Oshima, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, "格子欠陥の原子構造と特性の高精度予測に向けたニューラルネットワーク記述子・原子間ポテンシャルの構築」 ", 第32回日本MRS年次大会 奨励賞