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Search Results
T. Yokoi, A. Hamajima, J. Wei, B. Feng, Y. Oshima, K. Matsunaga, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic and electronic structure of grain boundaries in α-Al2O3: A combination of machine learning, first-principles calculation and electron microscopy", Scripta Materialia 229 (2023) 115368 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115368)
Shunsuke Kitou, Yu Oshima, Atsutomo Nakamura, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, Hiroshi Sawa, "Room-temperature plastic deformation modes of cubic ZnS crystals", Acta Materialia, 247 (2023) 118738. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118738)
K. Ohara, T. Moriwaki, K. Nakazawa, T. Sakamoto, K. Nii, M. Abe and Y. Ichiyanagi, "Development of biocompatible Ni-ferrite nanoparticles with PEG-coated for magnetic hyperthermia", AIP Advance 13 (2), 025238-1-5 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.1063/9.0000477)
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito, "Thermodynamic Unification of Optimal Transport: Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation, Minimum Dissipation, and Thermodynamic Speed Limits, ", Phys. Rev. X, 13 (2023) 011013. (10.1103/PhysRevX.13.011013)
H. Murata, R. Kawanabe, A. Tada, Y. Tokudome, A. Nakahira, "Synthesis of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite nanoparticles via aqueous solution-precipitation at 37 ℃", J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 131, 17-21 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.22112)
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Prashant Ghediya*, Hui Yang, Takashi Fujimoto, Yuqiao Zhang, Yasutaka Matsuo, Yusaku Magari, and Hiromichi Ohta*, "“Improved Electron Transport Properties of Zn-rich In-Ga-Zn-O Thin Film Transistors”", J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 2622-2627 (2023). (January 25, 2023) (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c07442)
Sena Hoshino, Yu Oshima, Tatsuya Yokoi, Atsutomo Nakamura, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, "DFT calculations of carrier-trapping effects on atomic structures of 30° partial dislocation cores in zincblende II-VI group zinc compounds", Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 013603 (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.013603)
S.Vadia, J.Scherzer, K.Watanabe, T.Taniguchi, A.Hogele , "Magneto-OpticalChiralityin a CoherentlyCoupledExciton−PlasmonSystem", Nano Letter ,23,614−618 (2023). (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04246)