Yuto Yamada, Kenta Watanabe, Han-Seul Kim, Kota Suzuki, Satoshi Hori, Ryoji Kanno, Masaaki Hirayama, “Microstructure Control of LiCoO2-Li10GeP2S12 Composite Cathodes by Adjusting the Particle Size Distribution for the Enhancement of All-Solid-State Batteries”, Batteries & Supercaps, 6(10) , e202300405 (2023)

Yuto Yamada, Kenta Watanabe, Han-Seul Kim, Kota Suzuki, Satoshi Hori, Ryoji Kanno, Masaaki Hirayama, “Microstructure Control of LiCoO2-Li10GeP2S12 Composite Cathodes by Adjusting the Particle Size Distribution for the Enhancement of All-Solid-State Batteries”, Batteries & Supercaps, 6(10) , e202300405 (2023)